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Featured Inventory Archives 1999-2012

Gruhn Guitars Prairie State

1934 Prairie State Model 593

The Larson Brothers of Chicago never put their name on their guitars, so their name is not as familiar as Martin or Gibson, but under the Prairie State brand they made some of the most desirable flat top guitars of any maker in the first half of the 1900s.

This ultra-fancy example, officially simply Model 593, is a case in point, with abalone top trim and tree-of-life inlay on the fingerboard nad peghead. The body is 15 inches wide and the back and sides are of Brazilian rosewood. Like most Prairie State models, the body is fitted with two metal support rods inside.

This instrument (inventory #AM4920) is a one-owner instrument (we got it from the man who bought it new in 1934) and is in exceptionally fine condition. With original hard case it is priced at $15,000.

This instrument is SOLD

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Angled view of back




Back of neck

Angled view of top