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Featured Inventory Archives 1999-2012

Gruhn Guitars Gilchrists

Pair o' Gils

Stephen Gilchrist began making mandolins in his home country of Australia and got his first hands-on experience with vintage Gibson Loar-signed F-5s during a short stint with Gruhn Guitars in 1980. He quickly went on to become the world's premier maker of traditional style mandolins.

Gilchrist has recently cut back production, so the wait for a new "Gil" could be decades.

MF7309 (pictured at right) was made in 1982. It is in excellent condition, with X-braced top and fern peghead inlay. With hard case, it is offered at $25,000.
This instrument is SOLD

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MF7303 was made in 2000. It is in near mint condition, with X-braced top, flowerpot peghead inlay and pearl block fingerboard inlays. With hard case it is SOLD.
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